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/Tamara Al-Wakeel

About Tamara Al-Wakeel

This author Tamara Al-Wakeel has created 8 entries.

Headstart Fund of Funds Wins Long Term HFM European Performance Award

London: Following the HFM European Performance awards evening held at London’s iconic Victoria and Albert Museum last Thursday 10th October, the team at Headstart Advisers limited are pleased to announce that the Headstart Fund of Funds won the long term (five year) performance award. For the five-year period under consideration (to 30th June 2024) Headstart Fund of Funds has returned 102.48% for its investors. Documents Headstart Fund of Funds Wins Long Term HFM European Performance Award

Headstart Fund of Funds up more than20% for second year running in 2023

LONDON, April 15, 2024/PRNewswire/ — Headstart Fund of Funds (the ‘Fund’) posted its fourth consecutive double-digit positive annual return in 2023. Now in its 25th year, the Fund’s outperformance and back-to-back returns in excess of 20% in both 2022 and 2023meant it outperformed global equity and bond markets and every hedge fund index on both a one and two year basis. Documents Headstart Fund of Funds up more than 20% for second year running in 2023

Headstart Fund of Funds in rialzo di oltreil 20% per il secondo anno consecutivonel 2023

LONDRA, 15 aprile 2024/PRNewswire/ — Headstart Fund of Funds (il “Fondo”) ha registrato ilsuo quarto rendimento annuale positivo a due cifre consecutivo nel 2023. Giunto al suo25esimo anno, la sua sovraperformance e i rendimenti consecutivi superiori al 20%conseguiti sia nel 2022 che nel 2023 hanno fatto sì che il Fondo abbia realizzato unnaperformance superiore rispetto ai mercati azionari e obbligazionari globali e ogni indice dihedge fund su base sia annuale che biennale. Documents Headstart Fund of Funds in rialzo di oltre

Headstart Fund of Funds en hausse de plus de 20 % pour la deuxième année consécutive en 2023

LONDRES, 15 avril 2024/PRNewswire/ — Headstart Fund of Funds (le « Fonds ») a enregistrésa quatrième année consécutive de rendement annuel positif à deux chiffres en 2023.Maintenant dans sa 25 année, la surperformance du Fonds et ses rendements consécutifssupérieurs à 20 % en 2022 et 2023 signifi ent qu’il a surpassé les marchés mondiaux desactions et des obligations et tous les indices de fonds spéculatifs sur une base d’un an et dedeux ans. Documents Headstart Fund of Funds en hausse de

HeadStart Fund of Funds steigt 2023 das zweite Jahr in Folge um mehr als 20 %

LONDON, 15 April 2024/PRNewswire/ — Der HeadStart-Dachfonds Fund of Funds (der„Fonds”) verzeichnete im Jahr 2023 zum vierten Mal in Folge eine zweistellige positiveJahresrendite. In seinem 25. Jahr übertraf der Fonds durch seine Outperformance und seineRenditen von über 20 % in den Jahren 2022 und 2023 die globalen Aktien- undAnleihemärkte sowie jeden Hedgefonds-Index sowohl auf Ein- als auch auf Zweijahresbasis. Documents HeadStart Fund of Funds steigt 2023 das zweite Jahr in Folge um mehr als 20 %

London FoHF seeks early stage managers amid strong gains ii

Headstart Advisers is looking to allocate to emerging hedge funds amid strong performance for the London-based FoHF. Headstart’s flagship gained 3.4% in December, putting it up 20.3% for the year and well ahead of peers in recent years. This came after returning 20.6% in 2022, 11.9% in 2021 and 20.8% in 2020. The $132m firm is looking to allocate to young hedge funds that can provide capacity rights, fee discounts and have founders’ share classes still available, Headstart CIO Najy Nasser told With Intelligence. Documents London FoHF seeks

Reports for Income Tax Purpose – 2022

For Investors We have published these reports because you were an investor in a reporting share class. This class of shares is registered with HM Revenue & Customs in the UK as a “reporting fund”. As such, the fund is required to make reports of income to the investors. There may be a requirement for you to pay tax as though you had actually received a distribution from the fund. Documents Headstart Fund of Funds Limited – 2022

Reports for Income Tax Purpose – 2021

For Investors We have published these reports because you were an investor in a reporting share class. This class of shares is registered with HM Revenue & Customs in the UK as a “reporting fund”. As such, the fund is required to make reports of income to the investors. There may be a requirement for you to pay tax as though you had actually received a distribution from the fund. Documents Headstart Fund of Funds Limited – 2021